
Early Christian Doctrines is unavailable, but you can change that!

This volume presents a history of doctrines of the Early Church, written and arranged with exceptional clarity by a leading patristic scholar. J. N. D. Kelly describes the development of the principal Christian doctrines from the close of the first century to the middle of the fifth, and from the end of the apostolic age to the council of Chalcedon. The doctrines of the Trinity, the authority of...

canon was settled by the end of the second century, different localities continued to maintain their different traditions, and some (e.g. Alexandria in Origen’s time1) appear to have been less partial to fixity than others. Three features of this process should be noted. First, the criterion which ultimately came to prevail was apostolicity. Unless a book could be shown to come from the pen of an apostle, or at least to have the authority of an apostle behind it, it was peremptorily rejected, however
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